Why people go crazy for France ?
France is a country located on the western edge of Europe, bordered by the Bay of Biscay (North Atlantic Ocean) in the west, by the English Channel in the northwest, by the North Sea in the north.France is once again the most visited country in the world and here are 5 reasons why. France has once again come top in the United Nations World Tourism Organisation league table of most visited countries with between 82.5 and 83 million visitors in 2016. France entices people of all ages with some of the world's most iconic landmarks, world-class art and architecture, sensational food, stunning beaches, glitzy ski resorts, beautiful countryside and a staggering amount of history." Official Language : French, the official language, is the first language of 88% of the population. Most of those who speak minority languages also speak French, as the minority languages are given no legal recognition. 3% of the population speak German dialects, predominantly in the eastern provinces o...